Barron Catchment Care is working with Tablelands landholders to help improve the health of their properties through revegetation and weed management – restoring critically endangered Mabi Forest. The project runs to June 2024 and is funded by the Queensland...
With the community plantings adjacent to Wongabel State Forest on Saturday the 14th and the 21st of January, Barron Catchment Care finalised the delivery of 3 projects increasing the vegetation extend of the unique but critically endangered Mabi community with...
Mabi Forest is a unique forest community, differing from other rainforest types by the composition of various plants and canopy heights. These forests are only found on the Atherton Tablelands, on fertile basalt soils in areas where the annual rainfall averages...
Over the last three years, Barron Catchment Care has gathered information on new and exciting technologies in the fight against Feral Pigs. Darren Marshall, eminent feral pig researcher, says “have no doubt about it, this is a war (against feral pigs)”. Darren...